Pioneer Preschool is now offering Online Preschool! Enrollment is now open. Contact Preschool Director Stephanie Roberts at 419.347.7744 ext. 42601.
Pioneer is now closed for Monday, February 1st. No online lessons. Enjoy the Snow Day and stay safe and warm.
Pioneer is on a 2-hour delay for Monday, February 1st. Stay safe and warm.
Pioneer Students-Be sure to turn in your Wednesday Online Assignments by Sunday at 11:59 pm to keep from being marked absent for that day.
Pioneer Fun Fact: Pioneer students graduate with their friends earning their diploma from their home school and a Career Passport from Pioneer.
Today's Face of Pioneer is Keisha McClellan, a senior from Buckeye Central enrolled in Pioneer's Horticulture program. Keisha is in the Buckeye Central Marching Band and Pep Band. Since coming to Pioneer, Miss McClellan’s life has changed for the better. She has met lots of new friends and her grades have improved significantly. She is also enjoying stronger relationships with her teachers.
Virtual Sophomore Visits are underway! Mr. Vargyas has been to Galion, Lucas, Plymouth, Wynford, Crestline and Shelby and led all the sophomores through the Virtual Lab Visits and Virtual Tours.
Pioneer is hosting an Open House tonight, 6-8 pm, for the sophomores from these schools and their parents.
Pioneer Preschool is now offering Online Preschool! Enrollment is now open. Contact Preschool Director Stephanie Roberts at 419.347.7744 ext. 42601.
Today's Face of Pioneer is Bradley Watt, a junior in Home Remodeling from Lucas High School. Bradly play football for Lucas and will be competing in the SkillsUSA Regional Contest for Pioneer. According to Bradley, his experience at Pioneer has been great. He has learned so much from the Home Remomdeling Lab Instructor, Mr. Stephens and definitely sees a future for himself in the construction industry. Each and everyday brings new knowledge in the field.
Will you be the next Face of Pioneer?
Congratulations to Pioneer's Medical Technology student who passed their National Certified Phlebotomy Technician exam today! That gives them TWO 12-point industry credentials earned this year! Once they finish their sticks, they can officially write STNA, CPT after their names!
Pioneer's Cosemtology is now open 8:30 - 2:00, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday. Students perform Paul Mitchell chemical and product services under direction of the Instructors and OPI Nail services including gel polish. Facials are unavailable at this time due to Covid Restrictions.
Pioneer Students-Be sure to turn in your Wednesday Online Assignments by Sunday at 11:59 pm to keep from being marked absent for that day.
Pioneer Students-Be sure to turn in your Wednesday Online Assignments by Sunday at 11:59 pm to keep from being marked absent for that day.
Pioneer Preschool is now offering Online Preschool! Enrollment is now open. Contact Preschool Director Stephanie Roberts at 419.347.7744 ext. 42601.
Pioneer Students-Be sure to turn in your Wednesday Online Assignments by Sunday at 11:59 pm to keep from being marked absent for that day.
Pioneer Preschool is now offering Online Preschool! Enrollment is now open. Contact Preschool Director Stephanie Roberts at 419.347.7744 ext. 42601.
Pioneer Reminder - Pioneer will continue on its 4 day-a-week schedule for the remainder of the school year. This means that tomorrow (January 6, 2021) and every Wednesday after will be a Remote Learning Day. Have a great day!
Pioneer Preschool is now offering Online Preschool! Enrollment is now open. Contact Preschool Director Stephanie Roberts at 419.347.7744 ext. 42601.
Reminder - Your home schools will provide transportation from your home school to Pioneer and back. If you REGULARLY ride the bus from home to your high school and back and can't get to your home school any other way please call Mr. Calhoon at 419-347-7744, ext. 42203 for assistance.
Reminder - Pioneer will welcome students back to face-to-face instruction tomorrow on Monday, January 4th. We are so excited to see you! Happy New Year!